Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Party Season

Ok people time to wake up from your turkey induced comas. Now is the season for party's. Weather an office party or an actual Christmas party, there are a few things to keep in mind.

A party is meant to be fun. Not get completely drunk on someones else's dime and eat free food. If you get an invitation make sure to respond. Don't just show up. This way your host knows what to prepare for. If your willing to help help out before the party check with the host/ hostess before hand. Again just showing up early can really mess with the party givers mind.

You should consider bringing a hostess gift. Typically a bottle of wine is nice, but don't rule out things like cookies or snack items. Especially if they are home made.

Before you walk in make sure to leave your cell phone in your pocket. Set it to vibrate. Nothing shows a lack of class then pulling out a cell phone to make a call or text while your supposed to be enjoying yourself. If your phone happens to go off excuse yourself to an area that isn't busy. This shows consideration and gives you a spot to hear your phone.

When you walk in say hello to the host & hostess, but don't monopolize their time. Say hello then start to mingle. If your uneasy about talking to people you don't know start by talking with someone you do know. People move in and out of conversations at party's, so you will meet some new folks along the way. An easy way is to walk up to someone and introduce yourself, start with small talk. You may be surprised at who you have something in common with.

After saying hello to the host and hostess DON"T head right over and dive head first into the food. The same goes for the bar. You don't want anyone thinking that your only there to drink and fill your face. This is a social time, even though the bar and food area are great places to strike up conversations. Scan the room to see if you see someone you know, say hi to them. After a few minutes of mingling it is alright to have a drink. If you do start talking to someone at the bar or food area, move to the side. Other people might want to sample what has been placed out.

If the party happens to be a work related party there are other things to keep in mind. Again it is not a free for all. the more you drink the more likely you are to say or do something that cant be taken back. This is not the time to get a set of beer balls and tell off the boss. No matter what there will be some kind of consequences. Your friends might think its great and cool, but its not their jobs at stake.

at the end of the night be sure to thank your hosts, and let them know that you had a good time. Sending a thank you card wouldn't hurt. A good guest will be invited back again.

Enjoy the holidays.


Steve "Spicy" Aniolowski