Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hey Boyscout BE Prepared

If your going to be mixing drinks for someone besides yourself be prepared.

But Steve, what should I be prepared for? It's not like I'm saving lives.

No, but you still have to be prepared.

Lets say that you going to have a beer blast. You invite a few friends by word of mouth. Well unless you told everyone not invite more people, you just left yourself open to a big party. Will you have enough to drink, or eat? Hows your place going to look afterward? what will the neighbors say? What if there is a fight? Got it Skippy? These party's can get out of hand fast. You invite six friends and those friends bring or tell other people and so on.

O kay. Crowd control isn't going to be a problem. Right tell it to the nice police officer standing at your door. All your worries aren't gone. You need ice. How much? How much pop, chips, alcohol, toilet paper? What toilet paper? You have a bathroom, right? Having too much ice is a good thing. any extra just leave in the freezer. Don't skimp on the food, people will remember. Chips are cheap, and taco dip is easy to make. Pop and juices, not everyone drinks alcohol. Chairs are going to be needed too, you can't expect people to stand all the time.

Always figure out why your having a party. That will tell you most of the things you'll need to prepare for. If there is food, You need to make extra, especially if people like it. Also stock up on plates, napkins, plastic ware, bowls, cups or glasses, and garbage bags.

People are here for a party. If its something like a football party, do you have enough beer, or different types of beer. Just because you stocked up on what you like doesn't mean everybody likes the same thing. Your job as host is to find out what people like before hand. this rule applies to alcohol, wine and liqueurs. This last group can be pretty expensive.

Lets not forget the weather. a pool party isn't much fun when its raining and everyone is crammed into your house. If it doesn't rain, do you have extra towels? What if your having a holiday party during the winter? do you have a spot to put peoples coats? You don't want to have a party inside during the summer, and its 90 degrees outside. People might start passing out.

Now your having a party and you have everything covered. Everyone is having a good time, no fights have broken out. Your feeling pretty good, right? The party's winding down. People have had a few drinks, and they are getting ready to go. Your responsibility hasn't stopped yet. Watch who you hand keys to. If you feel someone has had a little too much to drink. It is up to you to make sure that Mr. Happy doesn't get into a car and drive off. Have A Backbone MAN! If this person is drunk it is up to you to make sure he dose not get behind the steering wheel. If something happens IT IS  your fault. A friend wont stay mad for long when he actually wakes up the next morning

If someone refuses to give you their keys, or let someone else drive them home. You don't have to invite them back. A live friend is better than a dead drunk. Or someone who is suing you. You have to be prepared.

Keep it safe.
Steve Aniolowski / Spicy

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