Thursday, September 1, 2011

Starting things off

This is the first in what I hope is many postings.

This blog will be about something that I am interested in, home bar tending, cocktail party's, cocktail recipes collecting, collecting cocktail Shakers, and figuring out new recipes.

Brief history.

I started drinking what most people drink, beer. When I was younger it was what was cheapest, and I could afford. Just to get a buzz. then as I tried different beers I found out what I liked and didn't like. I also found out to watch out for green bottle beers ( import and domestic). After a while I moved on to mixed drinks, the standard rum & coke type of thing. Then at a Christmas party a friend of mine and his cousin introduced me to the martini.

This was the start of an obsession. The first sip, the process, the thin long stemmed cocktail glass. it all played into the mix.

Then a manager, where I was working at the time, gave me a thin martini book titled "The Martini Book" by Sally Ann Berk.

Well that first book had over 200 recipes in side, many of which I have tried. Since then friends and family have aided in my quest for more recipes and information, shakers and cocktail glasses. I currently have thousands, yes thousands of different recipes but am still looking for more.

So please check in from time to time. Drop me a note or recipe. I hope you enjoy.

Steve Aniolowski, a. k. a. Spicy

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