Monday, September 26, 2011

Traveling Drinkers Unite

No this is not a call fro a bunch of bar hoppers getting together. This is about trying new things. Most people have a favorite drink, bar, wine, whatever. That Can be pretty safe, and pretty dull. You have one life use that life to expand yourself.

No, I am not going to get on my dais and start to preach. But variety is the spice of life. The next time you go to your favorite hang-out, or store, instead of getting the same old thing try something new. Its easier at a bar, One drink wont cost that much. Some stores do offer single bottles of beer, if that's what your into.

If you go to the same place and order the same drink, order a different kind, brand or flavor. As I have stated in earlier posts there are so many varieties to choose from. If you go into the grocery store or convenience store, they have popular brands of beer. They cant afford to carry a lot of different local/ micro brews, or beers from other countries. So they play the favorites, the big national brands. These taste a lot alike, because these companies know what sells.

You can go to specialty stores that will have many more beers than just the nationals. These shops will have beers from light to dark, seasonal, flavored, local along with the national brands. They are set up to be like a grocery store for beers as well as some other beverages.

Liquor stores are just that. They have alcohols, liqueurs and wines. The mom and pop stores may not have a huge variety, but they may be cheaper. The larger stores will have many more different brands and types. You may also find other items for the bar at these stores, both big and small. Liquor stores will have small bottles of different flavors and brands that can be tried for just a few dollars.

What the title of this post refferes to is, if you are traveling stop and try something new. Many places have their own local beers and wines. this can apply to traveling to different counties, states even countries. Many states prohibit the import of wines and beers from other states. Lets say your stopping for dinner in an area you haven't been before, why not try a local wine or beer while your there. again I have stated in other posts that wines will very according to region.You may find a new favorite that you should pick up for home.

Other countries. This can be the best. They can offer the widest array. You may not just find beers and wines but also alcohols that are different. This is part of the local atmosphere. Drink like a local. If you go to Central or South America, you can find Tequila, Rum and Mescal. many alcohol producers offer tours and tastings, like the vintners. You will definitely find things you haven't tasted before. In the Caribbean islands you can find beers from North, Central, and South America.

This is just a little bit of whats out there. Be adventurous, its only a drink. Maybe you'll find that being a liquid tourist is fun, I have. I have traveled all across New York state and tried beverages everywhere. I have traveled up and down the east coast, into Canada, in California, and through out the Caribbean and Mexico. I have sampled a lot of local drinks and food. Some I have liked some I have not. Some are memorable and others not so memorable. I have had conversations with friend and locals over drinks.

You don't have to limit it just to drinks. If your somewhere try the food.If we are traveling with friends, we will each get different drinks, then order a bunch of different appetizers. this way you get to sample a bunch of types of drinks and a lot of different food. It easier than ordering different meals and usually cheaper. Chances are if you walk into a restaurant filled with locals, its got good food. So see the sites when you travel, but try and taste it too.

Pull up a chair, sit down and order something new.
Steve Aniolowski / Spicy

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